Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time gone by..

On the 7th of May I held a babyshower from my brother-in-law, and in the process made 3 different projects. It was a lot of work that sort-a burnt me out a little on sewing. Actually it was those projects that made me decide that I need another machine. Everytime I tried to sew something thick my machine would bunch-up the fabric and eat thread like a two year old eats hotdogs. It was HORRIBLE. Ever since I haven't sewed a bit and have been on Ebay 4 times a day looking for a good deal. I've bid on two machines with no luck, but I feel I'm getting closer. Luckily I found something to pass the time... "Mortal Instruments" series of books. OMGoodness they are amazing! Ok really they are easy reading teen vampire/werewolf/angelboy books that are a quick read and take you to a new place you haven't been and your two-year old doesn't exist. I finished the fourth and last book published yesterday and went right to cutting out fabric. So it was a needed break.
On another note Jason, Jackson, and I all went to Canby and then to Portland for a long weekend. Jason had work stuff to do so Jackson and I got to go to the zoo and the Portland Children's Museum. He had a lot of fun. I imagine everything wasn't as super cool b/c he doesn't get all of what he saw (to be honest he was more interested in the toys the polar bears were playing with than with them), but it was a great experience none the less. In true NC Stater fashion I bought him a stuffed wolf to remember his trip by- he LOVES IT! I also took him to one of the largest fabric stores ever (Fabric Depot). Which was dangerous to my wallet, but gave us a chance to get out of the hotel on time :-). We saw lots of friends and old neighbors on the trip, so all in all it was wonderful. I'll post some pictures soon, I promise.
