Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two quilt tops

I have been quite busy lately trying to use-up some fabric that I have been "stashing" for a while. Yesterday I finished my second quilt top out of the line. Well sorta finished, the first one I want to do a barn and tractor applique on so it's not technically done yet, but all the real sewing is done. They are super cute and will be up for sell in about a month or so (or whenever they get back from the quilter). I'll post pictures when they are all said and done.

Now I can feel better about wanting to go and do the Treasure Valley ShopHop.

In need of separator

As the title hints at, we are in need of cream separator. Well, I am in need of one. After I thought I had pulled off "cream" from our last batch of milk it turnsout it was more milk. A few more tries at manual separation and a few hours later turnsout I am no good as figuring what is "cream". My "butter" wasn't even whipped cream after I was through with it. Actually it was whipped cream, which when whipped too much destroys the "milk fat globules" and just makes a milky/watery mess. After that experience it might just be best to invest in an actual separator. Granted we do have two of the old kind sitting on our deck (ready for flowers), but I think a newer, cleaner, less rusty model would be better.