Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Calf Feeding.

Well it's not really a 'new' job, but I have been feeding calves for my mother-in-law two days this week and it's been nice. Getting up early, moving around outside (dispite the 7degree mornings), and feeling like I'm actually contributing. This morning however one of my 'rules' was broken. The rule is no-one dies on my watch. Unfortunately we lost a baby calf this morning. It was just one of those, life on a farm, things. She had been sick since almost day one, and had battled through scours (diarhea for those not in the know) for the past 12 days. But the super cold weather and another bout of scours must have been too much for her little system to take. So my rule was broken, but I'm trying not to let it get to me. It is after all one of those things that happens. And my 'realism' side says "Most likely she would have been a poor do-er for possibly her entire life." It's crazy to think that, but realistically it true more than not. Sickly calves have a harder time moving on, they either pick-up anything that is around them, or they are carriers, making other calves sick. Then once they hit the milking herd they give less milk, and tend to get mastitis (infections in the udder- aka where the milk comes from) more often. So though it's hard to lose one, in this case my rational side says it's ok, and to try better to have less sick ones.

On another note... Jackson's asleep. Maybe I can get a little quilting done before it's time to feed calves again.

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