Saturday, July 21, 2012

Running Camp

I think running camp was a success, if I must say it, I will..."IT WAS GREAT!". Though I didn't run but once, with Jackson, up a small portion of a hill...the kids did run, a lot, and I think for the most part enjoyed it. Was it difficult? I hope so, I think so. Was it too difficult? No. Maybe not enough. But then again, we didn't want to completely scare them away. We ran lots of hills, both in daily runs, and hill repeat day. It was good. Hills are something that every runner must battle, and to despise them only (in my mind) makes you a weaker runner. They give you a challenge, and afterwards gives you a blessed reward. Doing them 6x might seem killer, but really it's mother-natures weight room. Your body against gravity. The 10k at the end of camp was by far the best. I am a proud 'momma'. I hate that run. It seems so fun to start with, but the last 'false flat' at the end gets me every time. I'm glad to know you kids (girls + Kade) ran it well...though maybe a few too many water breaks for some.

It's hard to give a top runner award, since everyone finished, and everyone was smiling (well afterwards anyway). Just think, you kids just ran more than 70% of America...ok I just made that up, but I'm sure it's close.

My awards this week go to multiple peps.
1. Kade, who was the solo male on many mornings and managed to KILL the 10k. It appears you most certainly should run XC afterall.
2.Becca- Hill repeat winner. She may have skipped the first day, but afterwards made sure her sisters realized they weren't going to be the only picture in the paper.
3.Next...Ok all the rest of the girls. I cannot decide. Daphne KILLED the 10k. Ally Hartley take note if they lengthened the XC course you would be in dust. I just hope we can get some speed in those legs this fall. Hannah- newbie, who threw-up- It's ok. Multiple people get sick and run and then run some more. We'll work on the sprint/vomit finish. We are thrilled you are running this year. Twins. I think you need to run more, that said you can still out sprint anyone on this team which means you get a bonus. We just have to get you up front to make those sprints count for points. Cesley (did I spell that right?) you are my consistant runner. That's not in anyway a bad thing. I know where you are at, and I know where you fit. After missing hill repeats it was good to see you on the 10k. Ludi- applause!!! First day out running and you did a 10k. A full 10k, plus a warm-up. That's amazing. With a smile. It's going to be a great year! Should Bob be mentioned? He did bring yeah. Thanks to BOB for bring fruit, weird jokes, and for being the actual head coach. If he gets the uniform samples in he might move up the list  ;-) ( couldn't top Kade, at least not wearing an Oregon shirt).

So questions? Those who didn't show for 'whatever' reasons realize we know who you are, and you missed a totally 'legit' time. (Shout-out to Thode who only came one morning; we appriciate the effort).

Honorary roll- Jackson. Who did run more than...well anyone who didn't come. And did it all in dinosaur shoes.

Coach Mary

P.S> If you read this leave me a comment. :-)

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