Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lists and such

Hey y'all! So I am in the midist of mid-winter restlessness. The past three days I have made lists, checked things off lists, and tried to get caught-up on a LOT of things.

I had totally forgotten how hard it was to make butter, so that got put off for another week or so. But otherwise things have been going well. I have tried to make an effort to make dinner the past few nights. Tonight was a bit of a bummer deal though. I had "planned" for smoked whole chicken. Yeah. The man of the house didn't make it home in time to get said chicken in the smoker though, and I had to make a quick run to town. I could have scrapped the entire idea, but instead went for roasted chicken. Hopefully we are all not so cranky that we can actually enjoy it (2hours later than planned).

As for that list, I have been wanting to do a Quilt-A-Long. And I think I found one to use up a few scraps from another quilt. I will post pictures soonish. But here is the link if you are feeling 'quilty' and want to try it with me.


See ya soon. I've got a baby yelling at me :-)


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